Recently, I have been writing and speaking quite a bit about transformation, as it applies to leadership. This topic has been on my mind because the most effective leaders can be described as transformational. What does this mean? Essentially, transformational leaders have the ability to identify necessary changes, create an inspirational vision, make the changes happen and execute those changes with the help of a committed team.
The issue is that many leaders attempt to become transformational leaders without going through transformations themselves. They fail to realize that transformation begins from within, so their attempts at transforming their organizations fall short. They may have their hearts and minds in the right place, but without the courage to transform themselves, they are unable to inspire changes outside of themselves.
If you have been reading my blog, you are aware of the types of transformations leaders go through, as well as the signs that indicate the need for change. Maybe you have even recognized yourself in my descriptions of the nature of transformations that many leaders face. And yet, you might be feeling stuck, unsure of how to proceed in a way that ensures the greatest benefit for you, your people and your organization. So how can you move forward confidently?
Transformation Is an Ongoing Process
When people talk about transformation, they often discuss it in terms of a single event that happens and then concludes. But change doesn’t usually work that way. Instead, I like to look at transformation as an ongoing process.
Certainly, there are moments when significant changes occur in an instant. However, those changes usually represent the culminations of ongoing processes.
Consider the change that made you a leader — you did not become a leader instantly, although your title might have changed. You had to work hard and demonstrate your ability to take on responsibility, adapt and make good things happen. Others noticed what you were doing and took note of your ability and ambition. A role opened, and you were able to fit into it. A lot of moving parts had to be engaged for you to become a leader, and the process takes time. In fact, I would argue that leaders are always growing into the best versions of themselves, and it is a process that is never ending.
It is important to note that other people were also involved in your transformation into a leader. Mostly likely, you had some help, support and guidance on your way to taking on your leadership role. Sometimes it can be all too easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you did it all by yourself, and quite honestly, that rarely happens. Even the most successful, transformational leaders receive assistance and support along the way. You and I are no different.
What’s Next for Your Leadership?
To reiterate points from one of my previous blog posts, here are some of the common changes leaders tend to go through during their careers:
- Becoming a leader
- Moving from dictatorship to democracy
- Shifting focus from problems to solutions
- Becoming a visionary leader
- Recognizing that leadership is not static
- Understanding that leadership is not about the leader
If you feel a change coming on in your leadership, chances are you are about to undergo one of the transformations I have listed here. Becoming a leader may seem like it is something already in your rear view, but as I revealed above, no leader ever really finishes their transformation — you can and will always evolve your ability to lead, if you are open to it.
The problem many leaders run into when they recognize necessary changes are required is that they don’t know how to proceed in making a shift. Perhaps you have faced your fears and made peace with them. You may even be willing to disrupt the status quo, which is wonderful. You still need help from other people to get to where you want to go with your leadership.
The people you lead can give you considerable support and assistance. They see things from a unique perspective, and will be able to help you envision your future leadership potential from angles you have not considered. If you have established strong lines of two-way communication with the members of your team, you will find that they are a valuable resource as you grow and develop. Unfortunately, they cannot make the necessary changes on your behalf; it is up to you to take action.
The powers that be within your organization can also help to guide you to your next level of leadership. They also see the organizational landscape from a different perspective and can guide you forward. But they don’t feel what you feel inside yourself, so they will be unable to fully take you to where you want to go on your leadership journey.
Transformation is ultimately up to you, and you do not have to do it all alone.
For many leaders, coaching is the key to making essential leadership transformations.
Becoming a Transformational Leader with the Help of Leaders Edge
Whether you want to become a transformational leader yourself, or if you want to do more to encourage the leaders in your organization to transform, we are uniquely suited to provide guidance, inspiration and a road map to real, positive change.
If you feel stuck and unsure of how to move forward with the changes that are required to accelerate your performance and help you make another significant shift to become a transformational leader, you are not alone. I know this because I have guided countless leaders just like you through amazing transformations on their leadership journeys. They had the skills, talents and ability to inspire and lead effectively, and yet they found themselves running into challenges on their way to the next level of leadership.
We have coached leaders through some tremendous developments and transformations, and I would love to talk about doing the same thing for you.
Are you interested in learning what it takes to transcend to the level of transformational leadership? Let’s have a conversation! Reach out by calling me directly at 855-871-3374 or by sending an email to joanne.trotta@leadersedgeinc.ca. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!