Leading Through Change
This workshop focuses on equipping leaders with strategies to manage change effectively, emphasizing employee engagement and buy-in to foster a culture of adaptability and growth within organizations.

Develop your change management implementation plan.

Change is the new normal for most organizations and in life. In order for companies to survive and thrive in today’s competitive environment, they will need to change quickly and successfully. Managing change is now a core competency that all leaders are expected to have yet many continue to struggle in making this shift.

Motivating people to change direction, building new strategies, transforming business models, and adopting new ways of collaboration can be challenging.

Research shows that approximately 70% of all change initiatives fail

Change is not the problem – resistance to change is the problem. Be inclusive in your change efforts and involve your team and ask them for solutions vs. forcing change. The majority of change comes from the top down. People are creatures of habit; we become accustomed to doing things a certain way and do not like change. Expecting resistance to change and planning for it from the start will ensure you can effectively manage resistance and objections.

The Leading Through Change workshop focuses on best practices and guiding principles to be successful at leading change management initiatives and strategies. In order to be truly effective in obtaining employee buy-in, we need to target both the emotional and intellectual aspects of our employee’s thinking to impact change or shift in behavior. Employee buy-in is when employees are committed to the mission and goals of the company, and also find satisfaction and enjoyment in their day-to-day work. Buy-in promotes engagement and a willingness to go the extra mile on the job.

During this 3-hour workshop, will we explore why it's important to get people on side, or bought into an idea or change, as they need to be “emotionally connected” or invested in the idea or task at hand. They will also need to understand why an idea or change is important or even critical, as that is how people will either buy-in or resist the idea or change. Successful leaders know how to create trust and engage their people in the idea or change creation process.

Change management doesn’t always have to be difficult; changing the way leaders approach and lead change will make the difference between a successful change initiative or failure.

Leaders who are well-equipped to get the most out of their people during change, will be the ones who will successful lead your organization in times of challenging transition.

Results that participants achieve through the workshop:
  • Enhanced change management skills and best practices
  • Obtaining buy-in and support from your team and others in the organization
  • How to impact change in a more positive and productive way
  • Engaging others in the change process
  • Effective leadership practices that influence and instil lasting change
Results that companies achieve through the workshop:
  • Improved performance across metrics due to team buy-in and increased responsibility among team members
  • Improvements in employee engagement and emotional connectedness to the organization
  • The ability to exceed customer expectations through growth and team work
  • Cultivate a culture of accountability and ownership at all levels in the organization
Frequently asked questions

Find answers to common questions about our virtual and onsite workshops.

What are the main objectives of the Leading Through Change workshop?

Objectives include understanding change dynamics, managing change, overcoming resistance, achieving collective buy in and developing effective change management strategies. The workshop aims to equip leaders with the skills, best practices and approaches to navigate ongoing change successfully.

We do not view change as an event, rather it requires a shift in mindset, and we explore best practices to support leaders in leveling up their skills to navigate our ever-changing world.

How does the workshop address resistance to change?

The workshop provides tools and techniques to identify and overcome resistance, ensuring more seamless growth and transformation takes place while being a supportive leader for your team.

What are the best practices for obtaining employee buy-in during change initiatives?

Best practices include clear communication, involving employees in the process, and providing ongoing support. These practices help secure employee buy-in and commitment to change initiatives.  

We also explore how to encourage your team members to be change champions by providing empowerment, ongoing coaching and support.  The end goal is to create a high performing team environment that can sustain the pace of change we are experiencing more effectively.

How does the workshop enhance change management skills?

The workshop offers practical strategies and tools for effective change management, helping leaders and their teams plan, implement, and sustain change more successfully.

Is the workshop available in both virtual and onsite formats?

The workshop typically lasts 3 to 4 hours, providing ample time for teams to engage in meaningful discussions and activities.  It can be delivered onsite or virtually.

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