Creating a Coaching Culture Program
Foster a coaching culture in your organization that supports continuous learning and development. This workshop emphasizes effective communication, continuous feedback, and team empowerment to drive performance and innovation.

When leaders coach, it's a win-win for everyone.

According to recent research by Harvard Business Review, the single most important managerial competency that separates highly effective leaders from average ones is coaching.

Our Creating a Coaching Culture Program will address this in a meaningful way to build the foundation required to become a highly effective leader and coach which are both necessary to lead in today’s modern workforce.

A recent Gallup Study concluded that one of the greatest shortcomings of traditional performance management systems is a lack of ongoing feedback and coaching.

In many organizations, managers view annual reviews as the “official opportunity” to discuss employees’ performance. And in some cases, they use annual reviews as not only the official opportunity, but also as the only opportunity to discuss performance, and once they complete it, they treat it like any other item on their to-do list — something they can simply check off until the next time it is required. Unfortunately, this approach to performance management is better described as an infrequent, task-based activity rather than one that provides support and value to employees to foster engagement and achieve organizational results.

For organizations to thrive and retain talent, leaders must become coaches who are skilled at:

  • Establishing clear behavioral and performance expectations
  • Know how to continuously coach, formally and informally
  • Create accountability and ownership at all levels within the organization

With these skills leading at the forefront, leader-employee interactions and discussions feel encouraging, purposeful and rewarding in ways that formal discussions and annual reviews may not always fulfill.  

Before embarking on the coaching journey, we have an Emergenetics self-assessment that is offered to help participants better understand their own thinking and behavioral attributes, elevating their level of self-awareness.

Emergenetics is the merging together of two ideas - how our behavior emerges from our life experiences and generic traits, and is rooted in the concept that who you are today is the emergence of your behavior, genetic makeup and life experiences.  

The assessment tool provides a clear way to understand this intersection of nature and nurture and is built on four Thinking Attributes and three Behavioral Attributes that every person exhibits. LeadersEdge is proud to be a licensed and certified Emergenetics Strategic Partner who leverages these insights to strengthen the quality and focus of our programs and workshops.

Sample Emergenetics profile pie chart

The Emergenetics Profile is designed from a psychometric foundation to give each of us an in-depth knowledge of our unique make-up and provides an understanding of the person that we are.  It was also developed to distinctively measure how people think and behave. With this insight, you can develop personal strategies to improve results and achieve more productive outcomes.

Developed through years of psychometric research, the Emergenetics Profile accurately measures three behavioral attributes (Expressiveness, Assertiveness, Flexibility) and four thinking attributes (Analytical, Structural, Social, Conceptual). The attributes are represented in a clear, color-coded report, making it memorable and applicable immediately.

Deployment Strategy:

An invitation to take the assessment will be sent to each participant a few weeks prior to the coaching program delivery date.    

We will kick off the 2-day program by focusing on their assessment results first so they have an in depth understanding of their profile and its relevance from a coaching and leadership perspective.

During the debriefing session, the participants will learn how to interpret their individual profiles, leadership effectiveness based on their profile and overall team dynamics. Each participant will receive a profile, tip sheet and access to an app that they can use for ongoing support and application of their new insights.

Summary of day 1
  • Program Kick Off - review agenda and objectives
  • Participant introductions and what they desire to achieve from the program
  • Emergenetics debriefing and team exercises to bring learning to life
  • Group discussions on leadership vs. management and come to consensus on the difference between the two and their importance
  • Review Daniel Goleman's Theory of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and how that plays out in the workplace. The EQ model provides fuel for investigation inside the coaching conversation, usually starting with questions about self-awareness and self-management, moving at a later stage to develop relationship awareness and relationship skills.
  • Discuss how their Emergenetics profile links to the EQ model; self-awareness is the foundation in which effective leadership and coaching comes together
  • Group exercise to define what coaching means and the skills required to be an effective coach
  • Day 1 wrap up with homework assignment (come prepared to share your best and worst coaching story as we will discuss as a group on day two)
Summary of day 2
  • Review agenda and objectives for Day 2
  • Participants share feedback on homework assignment and collectively we review key learnings and insights
  • Review and discuss Coaching Fundamentals:
    • Power of Listening - active listening exercise
    • Asking the right Questions
    • Delivering Feedback
    • Building Trust and Acceptance
    • Handling Difficult Conversations
    • VUCA change management and the link to effective coaching
    • Situational Leadership
    • Ownership and Accountability
    • Summary – Coaching is a Conversation
  • Discuss leadership self-assessment exercise and their call to action
  • Case Studies and Group Breakout Exercise
  • Group wrap up and individual commitments
  • Assign accountability partners, questions and end the day
Program outcomes
  • Developing a coaching mindset and strategy by examining the latest coaching principles and best practices
  • Consistent language and approach across the organization to foster a “coaching culture”
  • Leverage Emergenetics assessment to help participants understand their thinking and behavior; ultimately increase self-awareness and produce more effective outcomes
  • Discovering essential competencies for effective coaching: listening, power of questions, feedback, building trust and acceptance, handling difficult conversations etc.
  • Adapting participant coaching style to meet the needs of different individuals by exploring Situational Leadership
  • Overcoming common coaching challenges, such as delivering difficult feedback in a way that promotes constructive outcomes
  • Gain greater results and engagement by developing overall leadership capability across the organization
Frequently asked questions

Find answers to common questions about our virtual and onsite training.

What are the key indicators that our organization needs a coaching culture?

Key indicators include low employee engagement, high turnover rates, and a lack of effective leadership. Organizations facing these challenges can greatly benefit from implementing a coaching culture to enhance overall performance.

How do we measure the success of implementing a coaching culture?

Success can be measured through improved employee engagement scores, lower turnover rates, and enhanced team performance metrics. Regular feedback and performance evaluations also help in assessing the impact.

What are the common challenges organizations face when transitioning to a coaching culture?

Common challenges include resistance to change, lack of buy-in from leadership, and insufficient training. Addressing these issues requires clear communication, leadership support, and an ongoing investment in training and support.

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Partner with LeadersEdge to cultivate a culture of accountability and drive sustainable change. Contact us today to empower your organization with proven leadership strategies.

Asian female business leader speaking to her team in a modern office.