Fundamentals of Leadership
This workshop focuses on mastering key leadership fundamentals to influence and inspire performance, foster accountability, and enhance organizational growth. It emphasizes practical skills for building trusting relationships and effective communication.

Discover how to use your leadership influence to inspire others.

Effective leadership isn’t about doing big things; it is about doing small things that have a huge impact on organizational performance. It's about doing those small things consistently until they eventually become instinctive and natural in your everyday behavior.

Think about it this way: what if you wanted to learn how to play a musical instrument? There are basic fundamentals that you will need to learn before you apply anything more advanced. The same lesson can be applied in leadership – get the fundamentals right first and the rest will follow.

The Fundamentals of Leadership workshop explores the basic fundamentals of effective leadership worth mastering. We are all leaders in life. Whether you are trying to deliver on business objectives, support a colleague, or participate in or lead a project, you are in a position of leadership.

This engaging 3-hour workshop focuses on how you can influence others, inspire them to perform, deliver results, and build trusting working relationships with those around you. It also unites teams towards common goals, improves working relationships at all levels, and strengthens the leader in you.

We explore four basic fundamentals that all leaders should master:

  • Appreciation and humility – If you are leading others, do not get caught in the old-school way of thinking that it is all about you. Quite the opposite – it is about others. Appreciate them for their efforts, strengths, and the value they bring to the organization and watch their performance soar. Recognize their achievements no matter how large or small they may appear and make your focus about them rather than you. Showing appreciation and acting with humility is how you develop others and build followership within organizations.
  • Power of listening – Listening sounds simple and is one of the top 10 skills that high performing leaders utilize in all their interactions. Did you know that research shows that the average individual listens only for 7 seconds before interrupting? Listening drives employee engagement and performance. Imagine an organization where all the leaders really listened to what their employees and customers had to say. That is what differentiates high performing organizations from those that struggle.
  • Trust – Trust is vital to leadership and it isn’t something that just happens. You have to earn people’s trust, and practice the skills that will help you to do this. It starts by communicating clearly, listening to others, and setting and living up to expectations. But trust is a two-way street. If you don’t show others that you trust them then you reduce their ability to do their best work and you prevent them from ever fully trusting you. So you also have to learn to trust others and to act on that trust. Don’t try to control the details; that is management not leadership.
  • Foster independent thinking – It’s easy to get stuck in familiar patterns. After all, following the same routine is easy and it feels safe for individuals, but anyone can follow a routine. A leader needs to encourage independent thinking by asking empowering questions that will encourage people to think outside the box, and more importantly, come up with solutions on their own. Come explore how easy it is to ask questions that encourage others to think for themselves. No one likes being spoon-fed answers, and that does not foster a culture of accountability and engagement. Encourage and allow those around you to think for themselves.
Results that participants achieve through the workshop:
  • Increased self-awareness around more effective behaviours
  • Improved overall communication and the ability to become a more effective listener
  • Improved ability to recognize individual working styles
  • Skills and techniques to build trusting relationships that drive loyalty to the organization
  • How to ask empowering questions that drive engagement and creativity
Results that companies achieve through the workshop:
  • Improved performance across metrics due to team buy-in and an increased sense of alignment among team members
  • Enhanced employee engagement and reduced attrition
  • Cultivate a culture of accountability and ownership at all levels in the organization
  • More creative and collaborative thinking among teams and individuals
Frequently asked questions

Find answers to common questions about our virtual and onsite workshops.

What are the key fundamentals of effective leadership covered in this workshop?

Key fundamentals include developing skills such as self-awareness, emotional intelligence, effective communication, and how to effectively lead and influence others to think and perform at their best.  These skills are crucial for leading teams effectively and driving organizational success.

How does the workshop help improve communication and listening skills?

The workshop includes practical exercises to enhance active listening and clear communication, which are crucial for effective leadership.

What techniques are taught to build trust within a team?

Techniques include focusing on building relationships with your team through transparency in communication, consistency in behavior and how to create a supportive environment while instilling accountability and delivery of results. These simple tips and practices help build deeper relationships and build mutual trust and respect within a team.

How does fostering independent thinking benefit individuals, teams and leadership?

Independent thinking encourages accountability, innovation and empowers team members to contribute their ideas, leading to a more dynamic and effective team environment where they are set up for success to deliver bottom line results.

What outcomes can participants expect from the Fundamentals of Leadership workshop?

Participants can expect improved leadership skills, better team dynamics, and enhanced performance. The workshop provides practical tools for ongoing leadership development.

Empower your leaders, elevate your organization.

Partner with LeadersEdge to cultivate a culture of accountability and drive sustainable change. Contact us today to empower your organization with proven leadership strategies.

Group of businesspeople discussing and laughing in a modern, bright office space environment.