Personal Leadership Program
Enhance your personal impact and leadership effectiveness with our Personal Leadership program. This course is tailored to help you refine your leadership qualities and increase your influence across all levels of your organization.

Transform your leaders into self-aware, high-achievers.

At the heart of simple, effective, sustainable leadership for life is The Personal Leadership Program. The program challenges individuals to shift their thinking and behavior towards positive, long-lasting change in all aspects of their life. This is a journey that goes way beyond handing a set of tools and new skills to the individual. It transforms the way people think and act, which brings a wealth of benefits to every aspect of human life.

If we want exceptional performance, we need a fully engaged team. We need to recognize that outstanding leadership is about inspiring people to do things for themselves and it is about freedom.

This program highlights and analyses each individual’s communication style and supports them in moving towards more positive and productive behaviours. We all find ourselves in positions of leadership every day, whether as a colleague, friend, parent or manager – whenever we seek to influence another person we are taking a leadership position. By analyzing each individual’s communication style and developing self-awareness of the positive behaviours needed to achieve outstanding results, we can rapidly improve individual and team performance.

Results that companies and individuals will achieve through this program:

  • Increased individual responsibility
  • Increased profitability and engagement levels
  • The ability to exceed customer expectations
  • Identification of competitive advantages
  • Revitalized, engaged, and high performing teams
  • Positive change that can be cascaded throughout the company or in your life
Frequently asked questions

Find answers to common questions about our virtual and onsite training.

How long are the training sessions?

We offer two delivery options for this program.  It can be delivered in-person over three days where we deliver the first two days back-to-back and then deliver day three 3-4 weeks later to allow for application of learning.

The second option is to deliver this program virtually over five 3-hour sessions.  We stagger the first four sessions over a two-week period, take a 3–4-week break and then regroup virtually for the final session.

What kind of follow-up support is available after completing the training?

Participants can request to receive continuous support through scheduled follow-up sessions, access to our online resources, and regular check-ins with our leadership coaches to help integrate and apply the skills learned during the training.

For additional details on our coaching support options, visit this page.

In addition to coaching support, we offer 360 assessments, and self-awareness assessment tools that can be integrated into the experience.

What materials are provided?

Participants are given comprehensive workbooks, supplemental resources, and a variety of practical tools and templates designed to support their ongoing leadership development and application of new skills.

Are there any prerequisites for enrolling in the Personal Leadership Training?

There are no specific prerequisites for enrollment. The training is open to all individuals who are motivated to enhance their leadership skills, regardless of their current role or experience level.

Can the training be customized to fit the specific needs of my organization?

Yes, the Personal Leadership Training can be fully customized to address the unique challenges and goals of your organization, ensuring that the content is relevant and impactful for your team.

What is the cost of the Personal Leadership Training program?

The cost varies based on factors such as customization and duration. For a detailed quote tailored to your organization’s specific needs, please contact us.

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A diverse male business leader speaking to colleagues in a modern meeting room.