Empowered Leader Program
Strengthen your leadership capacity with our Empowered Leader program, designed to develop critical leadership skills such as strategic decision-making, effective communication, and confidence to navigate complex challenges and drive organizational success.

Proven strategies to boost your leadership skills

As a leader, you face challenges every day in your role.

There could be any number of business obstacles or mindset issues that can get in the way of you moving forward with confidence and ensuring your workforce is engaged and positively impacting the bottom line.

The Empowered Leader program inspires lasting behavioral change and creates an empowered way of thinking that transforms the overall culture of a team and gets results.

Fundamental styles of communication and motivation are explored from a new and challenging perspective, offering an opportunity to gain an enhanced level of self-awareness, forming the foundation for developing more effective and empowering behavior.

Results that individuals will achieve through the program:
  • Increased self-awareness and a shift to more productive and effective communicating behaviours
  • Improved overall communication and the ability to create a connection with customers and staff members
  • Gain a better understanding of their communicating style and how to be a more effective communicator to drive results and achieve desired outcomes
  • Skills and techniques to build lasting relationships internally and externally
  • Establish personalized action plans to address developmental opportunities for each individual participant
Results that companies achieve through the program:
  • Improved performance across metrics due to team buy-in and an increased sense of responsibility among team members
  • Improvements in employee engagement and reduced attrition
  • The ability to exceed customer expectations through growth and team work
  • Cultivate a culture of accountability and ownership at all levels in the organization
  • More creative and collaborative thinking amongst teams and individuals
  • Supports long-term succession planning and employee development
Frequently asked questions

Find answers to common questions about our virtual and onsite training.

How long does the Empowered Leader Training program take to complete?

We offer two delivery options for this program.  It can be delivered in-person over one day or we can deliver this program virtually over two 3-hour sessions.

We also have the option to integrate self-awareness assessment tools into the experience which would extend the training delivery by half-day to an additional full day depending on the client’s goals and objectives.

What specific leadership skills will I develop through this program?

Participants will develop skills such as self-awareness, emotional intelligence, effective communication, accountability and both individual and team empowerment. These skills are crucial for leading teams effectively and driving organizational success.

Is this program suitable for new managers, or is it designed for experienced leaders?

The program is designed for both new managers and experienced leaders, providing valuable insights and practical tools that can be applied at any stage of a leadership career.

How does the program integrate with our existing leadership development initiatives?

The program can be tailored to align with and complement your existing leadership development initiatives, ensuring a cohesive approach to building leadership capabilities within your organization.

Empower your leaders, elevate your organization.

Partner with LeadersEdge to cultivate a culture of accountability and drive sustainable change. Contact us today to empower your organization with proven leadership strategies.

Female business executive walking through a modern office space holding her mobile phone.