Sales Effectiveness & Trusted Advisor Program
Transform your sales approach with our Sales Effectiveness & Trusted Advisor program. Develop key strategies to become a trusted advisor to your clients, enhancing your ability to influence decisions and drive meaningful business outcomes.

Build valuable relationships to sell.

Successful selling is not about pitching a product or service; it’s about creating value by being a “trusted advisor” who builds lasting relationships with customers.

This is done by being an effective communicator who is skilled at engaging others in the conversation and who listens attentively for cues to address the needs of the customer.

This program is designed to enhance each participant’s self-awareness as it relates to their communicating style and what it takes to deliver results and achieve positive outcomes.

The importance of listening, probing, and asking key questions is covered in depth through planned exercises designed to enable skill development. In addition, the importance of the impact that language has in our day-to-day conversations is highlighted. We also review what is required to position yourself and the organization as trusted advisors and strategic partners who help solve some of the most critical business problems and discover new possibilities for their customers.

Research shows that with the proper training and coaching it can:
  • Help increase up to 20% in top line revenue
  • Increase Customer Satisfaction by over 10%
  • Decrease staff attrition rate by over 15%
Results that companies and individuals achieve through the program:
  • Increased self-awareness and a shift to more productive and effective communicating behaviours
  • Gain a better understanding of their communicating style and how to be a more effective communicator to drive results and achieve desired outcomes
  • Skills and techniques to become a trusted advisor who adds value and builds lasting relationships with customers
  • In-depth understanding of effective sales practises and handling with opportunity for application and learning
  • Enhance problem solving and entrepreneurship skills of all team members
Frequently asked questions

Find answers to common questions about our virtual and onsite training.

Who is the ideal participant for the Sales Effectiveness and Trusted Advisor Training program?

The ideal participants are sales professionals looking to enhance their consultative selling skills and build long-term client relationships. This training is beneficial for those aiming to transition from transactional selling to a client partnership and trusted advisor role.

How does the training help in building long-term client relationships?

The training emphasizes techniques such as active listening, empathy, and providing value-based solutions to clients. These skills are essential for building trust and fostering long-term relationships.

Are there any prerequisites or prior experience required for this training?

No specific prerequisites are required. However, participants with some background in sales will benefit most from the training as it builds on foundational sales skills and best practices.

What types of industries have benefited from this training program?

Industries such as finance, energy, technology, and service based organizations  have seen significant benefits from this training, through improved client relationships and increased sales effectiveness.

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Male businessman extending his hand for a handshake in meeting.