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Insights for Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders
Why Courage Matters: 6 Lessons for Leaders
March 20, 2017

Leadership is a role that comes with tremendous benefits for those who are called to it. It also requires a certain level of toughness, determination and courage. Leaders are constantly challenged by the need to make difficult decisions on a daily basis, which requires courage.

As leaders become increasingly entrenched in their roles, they can become a bit too comfortable and casual. They can also insulate themselves from the realities of the day-to-day activities and interactions within their organizations. And they err all too often on the side of playing it safe when situations demand them to be courageous. This doesn’t happen to all leaders, but it happens enough for me to be alarmed by the transformation; I am often struck by how quickly a leader can lose the courage that fueled their rise to leadership in the first place.

This is a problem I see happening in many organizations that I engage with across North America. Thankfully, I believe there are ways for leaders to regain the spark of courage that inspires people and allows them to drive their organizations to greatness.

What Courage Means for Leaders

When leaders lose their courage, they lose their edge and they also lose the ability to inspire their people to do amazing things.

The truth is that leadership and courage are inseparable qualities. Leaders who lack courage can appear to be overly conservative and fear taking risks. Speaking and acting with authority can only get you so far when it relates to driving tangible results. Be mindful that the people working for you can see through the veneer; they notice when a leader operates with a courage deficit, and it has an impact on how they approach their jobs.

Consider some of the qualities that separate great leaders from average ones:

  • They initiate and participate in difficult conversations
  • Possess the ability to inspire people to take their efforts to new levels
  • Handle criticism and setbacks gracefully
  • Create accountability among the workforce
  • Act and follow through decisively
  • Give credit where credit is due
  • Tell the truth
  • Listen, especially when the truth is difficult to hear
  • Challenge the status quo

These qualities are all connected with courage. Without courage, leaders might simply do what is easiest, or what will create the fewest waves. Leaders who lack courage do not want to rock the boat; instead, they operate out of fear, keeping a tight grip on “the way things are” despite the promise of “the way things could be.”

Are you concerned that you are becoming a little too comfortable and a little less courageous than you ought to be in your leadership role? Are you worried that your courage and boldness might alienate people or make them stop liking you? Have you noticed yourself making “safe” decisions out of fear?

It’s time to elevate your self-awareness and turn it into an opportunity to reconnect with your courage.

How do you light a fire and turn your cautious comfort into a blaze of courage? Here are some lessons for leaders like you:

#1 — Don’t Run Away from Conflict and Discomfort

Courageous leaders see conflict and discomfort as areas that are ripe for transformation and growth. They don’t retreat from difficult interactions; they welcome them. If you want to lead with courage, learn to recognize those times when you’re feeling fear. Then, instead of running away, move forward to the root of the issue and face it head on.

#2 — Accept Failure as Your Friend

No matter how hard you try, you will never be able to eliminate failure from your life or work. You are going to fail from time to time. Your people will fail. Your customers and clients will fail to embrace new products or services. This is normal! Failure is going to happen, but when you face it with courage, you can use it as an amazing opportunity for growth.

#3 — Be Accountable

In order for you to grow from failures, you have to accept them and you have to hold yourself responsible for your own mistakes. Show your people that you are just as accountable for your own failures as you expect them to be for theirs, and you will rise to a new level of leadership.

#4 — Set Standards and Expectations Boldly

Determine what’s reasonable to expect from yourself and your people. And then raise the bar just a little higher. Playing it safe with expectations and standards is a sure way to lose courage and lose the respect of your workforce. Don’t be afraid to ask your people to aim a little higher. And be sure to challenge the expectations and standards you have set for yourself as their leader.

#5 — Sharpen Your Decisiveness

How often have you hemmed and hawed in order to avoid making tough decisions? At the end of the day, people are looking to you to make decisions; that’s what leadership is all about. Avoid procrastination with your decision making and work on your ability to select the right option in the moment. You want more “yes” and “no,” and less “maybe.”

#6 — Delegate, Delegate, Delegate!

You may think that taking on more work than you can handle is courageous, but it’s a huge mistake. Learning to delegate effectively is one of the most courageous things you can do as a leader. It requires you to trust people and let go of control, which can be incredibly scary. When you delegate effectively, you show people that you trust them, you build courage among your workforce and you get more done.

Does Your Leadership Need a Courage Boost?

If you’ve been feeling stuck in your leadership role, it might be because you’ve lost your courage. I understand that once you reach this point, it can feel like you’ll never get it back. I believe leaders can regain and rebuild their courage if they know how to take the proper action.

The steps and lessons I outlined above will help you get back to your courageous ways, but we recognize that you may need a bigger boost.

Are you wondering how you can regain your confidence and courage? Are you curious about how you can inspire your people to work more courageously? Do you feel like you’ve lost your fire and passion as a leader? I am here to help you so please feel free to reach out and let’s talk!

Email me today at joanne.trotta@leadersedgeinc.ca or contact me at 1-855-871-3374 to start the conversation. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

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