I’ve written quite often about how leaders need to ensure they have the right mindset for not only handling their own duties but that of leading their teams. Additionally, there are many articles, stories and case studies that speak about the importance of being a servant leader, and that bad leadership can be the cause of employees jumping ship. As leaders, our relationships with others is the glue that can make or break an organization.
Even though many of us read research about leadership and do our best to keep up with trends, somehow some of the teachings don’t always translate into what it means to be a leader in everyday life. Especially now.
I feel that leadership is more important now than it has ever been. We are living in a time in history like no other. The fabric of our society has been rocked to its core. Industry is changing and the domino effect had trickled into the very fabric of corporations.
More than a year since the pandemic began, we’ve had to take a long, hard look at our guiding principles as leaders. Do not get me wrong. I’m not saying we need to throw the baby out with the bath water. Far from it.
The core leadership principles and practices that encourage self-awareness, mindfulness, empowering others, listening carefully, being grounded, etc. should be top of the list. In other words, every action you take and every word you speak is generated in your mind, so if your mindset is fixed, rigid, or negative, you may experience leadership roadblocks as a result.
With the wrong mindset, you are more prone to fail at communication and alienate your people. Or you may become comfortable with the status quo, which will only leave you and your entire organization spinning your wheels. And, as we know, there is no longer any status quo.
A growth mindset is also crucial because organizations are changing and morphing, not only because of pandemic disruption, but they also have to grapple with technological changes, changing employee expectations, and much more.
Showing up as an enthusiastic and empowering leader will help your entire approach to leadership and life in general may become smoother and much more effective. You will begin to see the business landscape in terms of what’s possible vs. what’s not impossible and you will find it easier to move your people and your organization closer to achieving your goals and objectives.
Some leaders are averse to the idea of developing a growth mindset. They believe talent and ability are set in stone and that it’s not really possible for people to change. They don’t see potential in themselves or others, nor do they buy in to the notion that talent and ability can be developed. Leaders with fixed mindsets may be successful, but it’s despite their unwillingness to grow, not because of it.
I believe that everyone has tremendous potential for growth and success, regardless of where they may find themselves in their career or at the present moment. People can change, grow and improve from what I have seen, and the most effective leaders are those who see growth as an ongoing, continuous process. This is the essence of the growth mindset.
Here are some compelling insights to help you get moving in the right direction:
#1 — Your Purpose Is To Constantly Improve
A recent McKinsey article explored how the “identity mindtrap” can prevent leaders from being open to many avenues of opportunities within personal growth.
You may be thinking that your purpose as a leader is to inspire people and drive your organization forward successfully. That is absolutely true, and remember you set the tone with your behavior and thinking. However, if you don’t constantly work to improve your skills and abilities, you are actually doing yourself, your people, and your organization a disservice.
Your people will feed off your energy, messages and the behaviors you exhibit. If your role is to develop others, then logically it must start with your own ongoing growth and development. By developing yourself and your people via the growth mindset, you will inevitably become more inspirational and effective in your role. When you commit to continuous learning, growth and improvement, everything else around you will follow suit which includes your people and your business.
#2 — A Growth Mindset Turns Dead Ends into New Possibilities
When you lead with a fixed or closed mindset, you may run into dead ends. But if you lead with a growth mindset, you will see the new possibilities and opportunities that lie beneath the perceived failure or dead end. Instead of looking backward, you look forward and develop the vision to see through errors, problems and failures by looking for new ideas and what is possible. You don’t panic or give up; you believe in yourself and your ability to find the way forward. This is incredibly inspirational to you, your team and everyone around you.
Remember, you are stronger than you think you are.
#3 — Growth and Improvement are Tangible
When you develop and maintain a growth mindset, you may notice that you are much more aware of the outcomes you generate with your actions and decisions. When we see changes happening and allow ourselves to experience the positive effects of learning new skills and ideas, we want to experience more. The more you continue to focus on developing your growth mindset, the more you may feel compelled to stay on the path.
A growth mindset brings tremendous rewards, and the human brain can be rewired to focus on positive which leads to rewarding actions and inspiring thought patterns. This creates a positive addiction, of sorts, that allows you to continue growing and continue to build your overall leadership ability.
A Growth Mindset Is Critical for Today’s Leaders
The most effective leaders I know are always growing, learning, and seeking new possibilities. They see leadership as an ever-evolving set of principles and practices, and they know that there is always something new and valuable to learn. Most importantly, they understand that their people are at their best when they can take risks, learn new concepts, and step out of their comfort zone to allow growth and expansion to occur.
A growth mindset allows leaders to stay at the top of their game day after day and year after year, despite all the challenges inherent with the role and external circumstances. Your job is to continually step up to those challenges and lead your people through effectively.
Are you interested in learning more about the benefits of developing a growth mindset? We would love to hear from you! Please reach out to me at 855-871-3374 or email me at joanne.trotta@leadersedgeinc.ca.