LeadersEdge blog
Insights for Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders
6 Signs That You Are Ready for Leadership Coaching
May 22, 2017

In my role as a leadership consultant, I read almost everything there is to read online about leadership, coaching and professional development. Recently, I came across an article that revealed the signs that an executive is not ready for coaching. It was really interesting and quite thought provoking. And it ultimately reinforced many of my own deeply held beliefs about who can benefit the most from leadership coaching.

Basically, leadership coaching may not make the desired impact if a leader routinely fails at fundamental aspects of their role. Typically, leaders who are not ready for coaching are those who need work on their “soft skills.” However, I believe those leaders can benefit from coaching, as well. It just takes a little extra work and an extra dose of awareness

Traits like openness, the ability to communicate authentically and a willingness to self reflect enhance the effects of coaching considerably, in my opinion. Certainly, leaders who fall short in these categories have a lot of work to do in order to achieve their potential. Maybe they are not ready for coaching, but perhaps they just need the right coaching to unlock their potential and enhance their ability to improve their soft skills.

Regardless of where a leader stands, I believe the right type of coaching can provide serious benefits. The article I mentioned makes good points, but rather than discourage a leader from engaging in a coaching program, I would prefer to discuss the signs that indicate when leadership coaching is a logical next step.

Here are some of the signs you can look for:

#1 — You Recognize Specific Areas that Require Improvement

This is why self awareness and emotional intelligence are so important! Understanding that you are falling short requires you to have some degree of awareness. Interestingly, you may become aware of your own lack of awareness, which is an essential step on the path toward higher emotional intelligence and an ability to truly develop as a leader.

When you become aware that you could use a tune up, or that you are falling short in specific areas, it’s a sure sign that leadership coaching may be necessary. Whether you’ve noticed areas of potential improvement yourself, or you’ve simply become aware that others keep mentioning the same frustrations regarding your leadership, coaching can help.

#2 — You Have Noticed New Leadership Trends and You Are Curious about Them

If you’re like me and you read constantly about leadership, you may be struck from time to time by new trends and approaches in leadership.

Some leaders ignore these changes and developments, but others use them as catalysts for their own changes and developments.

Business moves faster today than ever before, and trends shift quickly. The best way to stay on top of this ever-transforming world is to engage with a coach who can get you up to speed. So if you’re curious about integrating new techniques and learning about new trends, you are ready for coaching.

#3 — Significant Changes Have Taken Place in Your Organization

Leading is easy when the status quo remains rigid and unchanged. But when organizational change occurs, many leaders find themselves at a loss when it comes to dealing with the effects. Real leadership happens in the face of great change and turmoil.

Coaching can help leaders adjust and develop accordingly when big changes happen. Whether you recognize that you need help navigating changes yourself, or if you want to make your organization’s leadership team more nimble and confident, coaching can work wonders.

Change — even when it’s positive — makes a rocky road for leaders. But coaching can make the path forward smoother and much easier to travel.

#4 — You Are Taking on a New Role

Has your leadership role shifted recently? Congratulations! Now the real work begins.

If you’ve been promoted, you may be running into some doubts about your ability to perform at a high level. It’s perfectly normal to be struck by fear and doubt during your transition to a new leadership role, but you have to deal with those fears and doubts directly if you want to succeed. Coaches can make this time seem far less overwhelming, and they can help leaders like you manage the challenges of changing roles expertly.

#5 — You Are Having Trouble Communicating and Connecting

Communication and leadership go hand in hand. If you read my blog regularly, you know how strongly I believe in communication as a cornerstone of leadership. Sometimes, though, despite your best efforts, you just can’t seem to connect and communicate effectively with your people. This doesn’t mean you’re a bad communicator or a failure as a leader; it just means you could use a push in the right direction.

In order to improve your ability to connect and communicate, you need to be able to receive feedback. But leaders don’t always get the feedback they require to learn new communication skills and enhance their existing ones. A leadership coach can provide the type of unbiased, honest feedback a leader needs to improve in areas of interpersonal relationships.

#6 — You Are Ready to Roll Up Your Sleeves and Work

Receiving leadership coaching is not a passive process. You cannot just hire a coach and expect to have them transform you or your organization’s leadership team. Coaches can give you advice and tell you the actions that need to be taken. But it’s up to each individual leader to implement the advice and actions.

Make sure there’s room in the calendar for coaching. Engaging with a coach will not be effective if you treat the process as just another item on your to-do list. You need to create time and space for it — on your calendar and in your mind.

Improvements don’t occur by themselves just because a coach was brought in. Real change and improvement only happens when leaders meet their coaches halfway and engage enthusiastically in the process. It requires hard work. So if you’re willing to put forth the effort, you are ready for coaching!

Learn More about Coaching and Leadership Development

Are you ready for coaching? Does the leadership team within your organization need a boost? Do you sense an awareness within you that’s driving you to change as a leader?

I am here to help you!

Leadership development and coaching is what I’m passionate about, and it’s what makes Leaders Edge such a powerful partner for organizations.

If you are interested in learning more about leadership coaching for yourself or your organization, I would love to talk with you!

Give Leaders Edge a call today at 1-855-871-3374 or email me at joanne.trotta@leadersedgeinc.ca to start the conversation.

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